Planting Seeds: Living Life with Intention

When I heard someone say that everyone should plant a tree and watch it grow, I didn't fully understand the profound implications of the statement. After some time of subconscious rumination, the underlying principles finally became clear to me.

In life every action we make every moment of every day can be thought of as us planting seeds. Whether we're intentional about it or not, we can't stop it from happening; it's inevitable. Like any seed, the seeds of our life take time to fully mature. Unlike the natural progression of a seed, we don't always know the season we'll reap the harvest we've sewn. Because of this uncertainty many lose sight of what their future holds. Consequently, they fail to invest in their time that has yet to pass.

Whether it's the consequences of your actions or the fruits of your labor, the life you live today is fully a result of the past investments you've made. Because we can't outrun your past, the only option we have is to shape our future. To do this we must not envision our future as a forgone conclusion, but rather as a malleable concept that we can shape today. As obvious as it sounds, we must constantly remind ourselves that the future is coming whether we're terrified, indifferent, or can't wait.

Watching trees grow over my lifetime helps remind me to live for the future in the present. When the seasons of harvest come in life, ensure that those days are full of rejoicing rather than despair by planting the right seeds in your life today. All time matters, but today is all any of us have for certain. Make the most of your life by making every moment count. Seek to live your life in such a way that you're not only planting your own seeds, but you're watering the seeds of those around you. This is what marks a life guided by honorable intentions.