Choosing certain things by definition means not choosing others. We live in a world where we can't possibly have everything and yet that doesn't stop us from wanting it all. It's easy to get lost in the infinite sources of knowledge and wisdom on the internet. By the time the real world comes back into focus, you realize that what you were doing didn't support our long-term vision for life. Even though you were learning, that was technically wasted time. A lack of prioritization leads to procrastination that feels productive.

The trap of infinite knowledge

Unless what you're doing directly support your immediate goals and your long-term vision, it probably is distracting you from what you need to accomplish. This is the trap of having infinite information at your disposal. Because of the sheer volume of information that we have access to, on average humanity is having a crisis of meaning because everything they see tells them that the next piece of entertainment will bring fulfillment. This never-ending cycle of buying and selling peoples' attention is a black hole that seeks to rob us of our time. If we don't take measures to guard ourselves against this trap, our time will slip through our hands and life will approaching its end in the blink of an eye.

Too much information is like too much food

An over consumption of knowledge without doing something with it is like eating too much food without exercising. Without exercise, when you overeat you become lethargic and eventually unhealthy. Likewise, when your life is devoid of taking action on the information that you consume, your mind becomes lethargic.

When people try to lose weight, generally people try to remove all the unhealthy food from their surroundings so that they're not tempted. With all your favorite junk food around you, even if you could hold out, you would be using your will power which is a finite resource. In the same way you need to take measures to stop your time from slipping through your hands. Block social media if you have to, hide suggested videos - do whatever it takes to own every moment of your life. Once you gain control of your time you won't understand how you lived before.

Acting on knowledge

It's imperative to balance what you learn with supporting actions. Lessons that aren't implemented are soon forgotten. This is where the age-old wisdom of learning first by watching, then by helping, and finally through doing it yourself comes into play. There is a world of difference between consuming and applying what you've learned. It will be challenging. But through those times remember that just like when you exercise, hurt is an indication of future growth.

It doesn't matter how many things you learn or do over the course of a day or over the course of your life, if those things didn't support your vision for your life then it was all for not. It all comes down to prioritization. If something you're doing doesn't directly support your goals, then it's just a well disguised form of procrastination that's hindering you from doing what's important. You must choose wisely where to focus your efforts; what you focus on will eventually turn into your life.
