This is a list of books, podcasts, articles, and authors that I have found to be unbelievably helpful in my pursuit of life knowledge and wisdom. These resources have served as my mentors and shaped me while truly getting me to understand that the possibilities in life are only limited by my beliefs.

The MFCEO Project

Exemplifies what it means to be a quality person. The most straight up and honest individual I know of. The podcasts give you unapologetic tough love, but truer words have rarely been spoken.

Mark Manson

An insightful guy who opened up my mind to what a blog could become. Changed the way I look at the world not only through his articles but also through his books. One of the key points that sticks with me from his work is what it means to embracing uncertainty and how much you can grow by taking giant leaps of faith.

When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead: Useful Stories from a Persuasive Man

One of the best books I have ever read. This is the ultimate vision in my mind of what it means to live life to the fullest. Because this story is so relatable and real it makes you feel as if your brightest vision of the future is attainable.

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20

Honest life advice written by a mother for her 20 year old son about what she wish she knew when she was his age. It blows me away to think how much the previous generation accomplished with having to figure these things out on their own. We can accomplish so much more by learning from them if we don't get in our own way.
